Beware of This Microsoft Teams Phishing Campaign

remote work

Since the COVID-19 outbreak back in 2020, remote work and virtual collaboration have become quite the norm, making tools like Microsoft Teams indispensable for businesses. However, with increased reliance on these platforms, of course, cybercriminals have come up with sophisticated phishing tactics that specifically target users of Microsoft Teams. These attackers will never stop finding ways to try and access information and personal data, no matter the software or technique, and it is especially worrying for small businesses with little security protocol.


Microsoft Teams Phishing Tactics:

Fake Login Pages

Shockingly, cybercriminals have found a way to create convincing replica login pages of Microsoft Teams to steal your credentials. These fake pages are often sent through phishing emails or direct messages posing as a superior or as Microsoft, leading you to believe that you need to reauthenticate.

How to recognize: Always double-check the web address before entering your login credentials. Look for inconsistencies in the URL or SSL certificate errors.

How to avoid: Use bookmarks or trusted sources to access Microsoft Teams, and be cautious of unsolicited login prompts.


Malicious Attachments and Links:

Attackers can also send emails through Teams itself that contain false phishing links. Attackers may impersonate a colleague or a known entity to trick you into opening these harmful attachments or clicking on links.

How to recognize: Always be skeptical of unsolicited emails, especially if they contain unusual requests, ask for personal information, or especially if they have grammatical errors. 

How to avoid: Confirm the sender’s identity by contacting them through a separate communication channel.


Meeting Invitations

Unfortunately, phishers may also send fake meeting invitations via Teams, enticing you to click on a link to join a meeting. These links can lead to credential theft or the installation of malware.

How to recognize: Always verify the legitimacy of meeting invitations by actually cross-checking with colleagues in-person or using the official Teams app.

How to avoid: Do not click on suspicious meeting links, and report any unusual meeting invitations to us!


Comparing Microsoft Teams and Zoom


Both Microsoft Teams and Zoom have become popular collaboration platforms, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Choosing the right platform for your business depends on your specific needs.



  • Integration with Microsoft 365 suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.).
  • Ideal for businesses heavily invested in Microsoft products.
  • Excellent for internal communication and team collaboration.
  • Offers a wide range of security features and compliance tools.



  • Known for its simplicity and ease of use.
  • Popular for hosting webinars and external meetings.
  • Provides robust video conferencing capabilities.
  • Offers integration with third-party apps.


Here at Carmichael Consulting Solutions, we can help you and your business choose the right collaboration software and manage any phishing scams that might come your way. Our team can offer expert advice on cybersecurity and implement robust security measures to protect your organization from phishing attacks.

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