The Top 3 Security Threats in Cloud Computing for Businesses

The Top 3 Security Threats in Cloud Computing for Businesses
The Top 3 Security Threats in Cloud Computing for Businesses

There is no question that the introduction of cloud computing has completely transformed the way businesses and people operate today. By enabling you to store your data and applications anywhere in the world, the cloud empowers businesses to enhance their agility and operational efficiency.Even with all its benefits, it is crucial not to dive head-first into a cloud initiative without recognizing and understanding the potential security risks that come with it. With cyber- attackers constantly refining their tactics, it becomes imperative to proactively address these concerns to protect your valuable assets. Your data is typically your most valuable asset.From sophisticated malware and ransomware attacks to phishing attempts and distributed denial of service (DDoS) incidents, the range of potential risks is diverse and ever-expanding. Even though the cloud is significantly more secure than traditional data centers, most users have encountered at least one cloud security incident. As you may realize, the large cloud providers are also the largest targets. Here is a closer look at some of the most prevalent cloud security threats facing businesses today, and how Carmichael Consulting Solutions can help you manage these security issues.HUMAN ERRORProbably the most common cloud computing security threat facing businesses today is human error. A joint study by Stanford University Professor Jeff Hancock and security firm Tessian has found that a massive 88 percent of data breach incidents are caused by employee mistakes. Similar research by IBM Security puts the number at 95 percent. So, how can we stop this from happening so often?Human errors or misconfigurations can inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities, potentially jeopardizing the security of valuable data and sensitive information. That's precisely where the expertise of a Managed Service Provider (MSP) becomes indispensable. Internal IT departments are not always fully caught up with the latest security practices, and often lack the specialized knowledge required to identify and mitigate potential risks effectively.Working with Carmichael Consulting, we can offer you 24/7 technical support and remote monitoring with our Deadbolt package, and even advanced security awareness training for your team in our Strongbox plan.UNAUTHORIZED INTRUSIONAnother extremely common threat to your business is outside access to sensitive information from unwanted visitors. These often come in the form of phishing emails or malware used to gather internal intelligence. Doors can also be opened by weak password monitoring, when passwords are shared between multiple employees, or even over traditional unencrypted SMS messages.To safeguard against data breaches and protect valuable confidential information, it is crucial to implement preventative measures. Here are some key steps that Carmichael can provide to help fortify your cloud security.

  • Multi-Factor Authentication: 2-Factor authentication adds another level to security by requiring users to enter the correct password plus another layer such as a text, or unique security token.
  • Email Security: Carmichael provides round-the-clock email security using Barracuda software, which manages and filters all inbound and outbound email traffic to protect organizations from email-borne threats and data leaks.
  • Firewall Implementation: Deploying virtual or physical firewalls acts as a vital defense mechanism, monitoring and filtering network traffic to identify and block unauthorized access attempts.

MISCONFIGURATIONIn the realm of cloud computing, misconfiguration stands tall as one of the most critical security threats faced by businesses today.Misconfiguration occurs when system administrators and users fail to adhere to established rules and guidelines while setting up and managing their cloud systems. This can leave businesses vulnerable to malicious actors who can exploit these mishaps to gain unauthorized access to their cloud environment.The most common oversights are neglected firmware updates, unsecured ports, and failure to encrypt sensitive data. Failing to keep firmware up to date leaves systems exposed to known vulnerabilities that actors can exploit to compromise your cloud infrastructure, which is why we partner heavily with Meraki and Ubiqiti. Leaving ports open (such as RDP) without proper safeguards also enables unauthorized entry points for cyber attackers, paving the way for potential breaches.As the premier managed service provider in North Atlanta, our team of cloud security experts and experienced technicians can help ensure that every aspect of your cloud applications are safe from external threats.

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