Webinar | 12.11.19 | 10am EST | Why You Have to Act FaaST When the Internet goes Down

Webinar | 12.11.19 | 10am EST | Why You Have to Act FaaST When the Internet goes Down
Webinar | 12.11.19 | 10am EST | Why You Have to Act FaaST When the Internet goes Down

The Web and Cloud Will Fail – Are You Ready?

Wireless fail-over – it’s when the web and cloud-based applications go down. On average, this kind of downtime costs small business $8,580 an hour, which can amount to as much as $751,608 a year. In most cases, this kind of downtime occurs because of factors completely beyond your control -- bad weather, an errant backhoe, or even a power outage.Fail-over as a Service (FaaST), a new offering from Carmichael Consulting, keeps your business operating even when you can’t access the web or your cloud-based apps. With FaaST, you can continue doing business as you dodge the expense of downtime.Listen in on the newest webinar in the Expert Series from Carmichael Consulting and BroadSky to learn how to minimize your losses when these beyond-your-control outages hit.View on demand: “Why You Have to Act FaaST When the Internet goes Down”https://youtu.be/PKTLQvH6Ifo

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